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7 Major Risk Factors For High Blood Pressure

7 Major Risk Factors For High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the amount of exerted force pushed against the walls of the arteries as blood flows through them. Most people with high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) will not experience any notable symptoms. For that reason, it’s often referred to as a...
Types of Diabetes: Risk Factors and Treatment

Types of Diabetes: Risk Factors and Treatment

Diabetes is generally defined as elevated blood sugar, but since there are many causes of elevated blood sugar, it’s classified into different types. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body cannot make insulin or can only make a very small amount of insulin. Type 2...
What to Do After a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

What to Do After a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

Following a diabetes diagnosis, your doctor is likely going to encourage you to make smart lifestyle changes. You’ll be urged to choose healthier foods and becoming more physically active. You might have to regularly monitor your blood glucose, as well as getting...